A great and wonderful opportunity is upon us. Like generations of Americans before us, a time has come where we must take back our god given rights and our power protected by the Constitution as a free and just people, to make a profound statement about who we are as a nation. The time has come for us as Americans to take back our role in government and recalibrate our sails to the winds of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness the way our founding fathers intended. No more sitting by the wayside. No more complacently wafting in the wind while a monster festers inside the heart of the United States of America. Now is the time to take our power back.
There is a toxic, black cloud settling in quite comfortably over our country’s capitol. It stifles and chokes our democracy, literally costing us precious American lives at the hands of irresponsible leadership, poor policy implementation and an aristocratic war waged on the common good of our citizens. The disease eating away at the core of our people’s government, the monster festering inside our country is the undue influence of money in our politics. The 2010 Supreme Court ruling in the Citizens United case blew the barnyard doors wide open for money to cascade into our elections by granting corporations personhood and a right to unlimited free speech in the form of money. Yet let me posit some simple questions: Are corporations people? Can they suffer from a lack of nutrition? Fall ill with cancer or die defending the freedom of our country?
The last time I checked, a corporation is not capable of suffering post-traumatic stress syndrome. As far as I know, corporations can’t go bankrupt from developing a life threatening illness. And if I am not mistaken, a corporation will never, ever, go hungry from a lack of food on the table. The answer to the question whether or not corporations are people seems rather obvious if you follow simple logic. How then, could our branch of government, our Judicial Branch which is responsible for upholding justice and protecting the Constitution, rule to uphold a premise as egregious as corporate personhood? Was it the money already infused in our politics? Could be. The real answer is we the people have tacitly given them permission to uphold such an abomination.
The Citizens United ruling crippled our democratic voice. In my opinion, the latest McCutcheon ruling was the modern day shot heard ‘round the world. It is the day the American justice system and the parasite which bleeds our nation of her humanity and resources waged war on the voice, our voice, the voice of the common people. I have have to ask you my friends, is this the America we want to live in? Is this who we are? Is this our generation’s best version of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness we have to offer to future Americans?
Are we going to and watch while small businesses close and the middle class shrinks because multinational corporations dominate the economic landscape aided by policies and tax breaks that dwindle competition and send jobs overseas? Are we to sit reticent on our hands while Congress cuts funding to children on food aid, while groveling at the feet of billionaires to rake in tens of millions of dollars in campaign fundraising? There is a path we can take, a choice, a movement is shaping within us. It calls us to find our voice and reignite the passion for the freedom, equality and justice our nation was founded on. It is time for us my friends, to rise up from the ashes, reach into the depths of our hearts and souls, wield strength from the love of our humanity, the love of our brothers, sisters and the great collective that is the American family and take back our power by changing the current political conversation.
Corporations are not people. There is no humanity in a political system plagued by legalized corruption. There is no progress to be made by repeating the same old patterns of not engaging in the political process and re-electing the status quo. No. What we need is a revolution of the heart and mind. A rising up of the independent spirit granted to us by god and protected by the Constitution. This is our time. This is our generation’s calling; to rid our nation of the greed that has corroded our democracy. It is our time to take a stand outside the way things are and out of love and compassion for ourselves and our nation, bring about a new conversation about the way things ought to be. It is your calling and it is mine! The only question left to answer is: Are you with me?
- jb
Help elect an incredible Independent candidate, Marianne Williamson to the House of Representatives in CA-District 33. Marianne’s top priority is to take a stand against money in Washington! www.marianneforcongress.com
Join the stand against money in politics with my friends @ Represent Us & Rootstrikers